Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday Dawning

Tuesday morning dawned, and Dennis reported a much more sound night's sleep in his private , short-term stay room. Today he is promised a suite, so we look forward to that move.

We have a mantra that we NEVER complain about any kind of food; so, we thanked God for the plain folded egg, rice krispies, and apple juice! Dennis ate all of it!!!

As expected, it is extremely painful when he coughs. Weak from losing 10 pounds overnight, he, nonetheless, continues to steadily improve.

Today, Amy is flying back to Raleigh. Dennis has been so encouraged by her visit, and we pray for traveling mercies for her.

Our devotion for today was very encouraging. Taken from Our Daily Bread, the psalmist speaks of how God's love sustains us in difficult times. You can read it by going to the following link. We hope that you, too, will be encouraged!


THANK YOU for your continued prayers!

In God's amazing, eternal "hand-tailored" grace,

1 comment:

  1. Hanging tough, great to hear you are moving to another room. Soon you will be able to get out of frigid Cleveland.
