Saturday, March 7, 2015

Principium Finem

It was sixty-eight degrees last Monday as Dennis walked over twenty minutes in the warm sunshine down Padgett Road soaking up vitamin D. On Wednesday, his routine post office visit preceded our flight to frigid Cleveland where they’re experiencing the coldest winter on record. 

Overwhelmed with gratitude for God’s healing, all reports were excellent. Conferencing with the head of cardiology, Dr. Brian Griffin, at the #1 ranked heart institute in the world, he not only engaged with Dennis in conversation (about bison and grapes—what a combination!) but he also illustrated with a sketch all that had been accomplished in Dennis’ physical healing. Dr. Griffin shared that although he had been doing this for quite some time, he remains in awe of the miracle of heart valve replacement.

Additional tests on Thursday (from 7 am until 5 pm), revealed that Dennis’ “new heart part” is functioning well and that he can look forward to the next twenty years with greater vitality and overall good health. We know full well that this is a gift from God, and we thank Him for this gift of healing and health for Dennis.                                                                                                                                 This trip to Cleveland included some much needed relaxation and included visits to the Botanical Gardens and Crawford Automobile and Aviation Museum featuring the famed Erie Carousel which we rode!

Expecting a continued period of recuperation and strength training, the nurse practitioner at Cleveland Clinic outlined the guidelines for a  cardiac exercise program that Dennis can do at home. We purchased a new training cycle, and we are planning to take many long, peaceful walks enjoying God’s creation at “Sunset Serenade.”

This has been a long journey and sometimes quite challenging given the short time that we have known each other; but, it is clear that the Lord has grown both of us in this process. As we reflect, Dennis says that he has been learning more about patience and how Christ-likeness will always bear the fruit of patience. Perhaps the greatest life lesson in all of this is that life on this earth is unpredictable and uncertain from a human perspective. But with our Sovereign God, we can experience the peace that comes with the certainty of God’s promise of eternal life. So, now we ask according to the riches of God’s grace to use this experience and all of life’s experiences to make us more like Jesus and to give us many opportunities to further His kingdom on earth. As we hold fast to this eternal perspective, we say “thank you” to all of you praying with and for Dennis. We appreciate your friendship, fellowship, assistance, support, and encouragement. Our prayer is that the Lord will mightily use our testimony of faith and great praise to His holy name to save and bless others.

We pray that in the time He graciously gives us on this earth that we will live our lives in honor and obedience to our great Lord and as HE is our El Shaddai and our Adonai…

With a “heart” full of gratitude …in His amazing “”hand-tailored” grace,

Dennis and Donna