Saturday, March 7, 2015

Principium Finem

It was sixty-eight degrees last Monday as Dennis walked over twenty minutes in the warm sunshine down Padgett Road soaking up vitamin D. On Wednesday, his routine post office visit preceded our flight to frigid Cleveland where they’re experiencing the coldest winter on record. 

Overwhelmed with gratitude for God’s healing, all reports were excellent. Conferencing with the head of cardiology, Dr. Brian Griffin, at the #1 ranked heart institute in the world, he not only engaged with Dennis in conversation (about bison and grapes—what a combination!) but he also illustrated with a sketch all that had been accomplished in Dennis’ physical healing. Dr. Griffin shared that although he had been doing this for quite some time, he remains in awe of the miracle of heart valve replacement.

Additional tests on Thursday (from 7 am until 5 pm), revealed that Dennis’ “new heart part” is functioning well and that he can look forward to the next twenty years with greater vitality and overall good health. We know full well that this is a gift from God, and we thank Him for this gift of healing and health for Dennis.                                                                                                                                 This trip to Cleveland included some much needed relaxation and included visits to the Botanical Gardens and Crawford Automobile and Aviation Museum featuring the famed Erie Carousel which we rode!

Expecting a continued period of recuperation and strength training, the nurse practitioner at Cleveland Clinic outlined the guidelines for a  cardiac exercise program that Dennis can do at home. We purchased a new training cycle, and we are planning to take many long, peaceful walks enjoying God’s creation at “Sunset Serenade.”

This has been a long journey and sometimes quite challenging given the short time that we have known each other; but, it is clear that the Lord has grown both of us in this process. As we reflect, Dennis says that he has been learning more about patience and how Christ-likeness will always bear the fruit of patience. Perhaps the greatest life lesson in all of this is that life on this earth is unpredictable and uncertain from a human perspective. But with our Sovereign God, we can experience the peace that comes with the certainty of God’s promise of eternal life. So, now we ask according to the riches of God’s grace to use this experience and all of life’s experiences to make us more like Jesus and to give us many opportunities to further His kingdom on earth. As we hold fast to this eternal perspective, we say “thank you” to all of you praying with and for Dennis. We appreciate your friendship, fellowship, assistance, support, and encouragement. Our prayer is that the Lord will mightily use our testimony of faith and great praise to His holy name to save and bless others.

We pray that in the time He graciously gives us on this earth that we will live our lives in honor and obedience to our great Lord and as HE is our El Shaddai and our Adonai…

With a “heart” full of gratitude …in His amazing “”hand-tailored” grace,

Dennis and Donna


Friday, January 30, 2015

Looking Good Dennis Davis

Today marks the three week anniversary of the heart valve replacement and bypass surgery, and meanwhile, back at "Sunset Serenade" his home on Padgett Road, Dennis continues to get stronger every day! The nurse and physical therapist were here for four visits this week. He got an A plus on his physical therapy today (I have been doing the exercises with him--and they are challenging!), and he also received a great report from the nurse this week.

The doctors are still working to adjust his warfarin levels, so we sought out an antidote for the rather high level the lab results reported today. Clad in his Scottish tam, warm jacket, and scarf, he stepped in to a warm car and we managed a "get away" to Wendy's drive thru. Back at home, we indulged as we devoured an apple pecan salad with Dennis choosing the healthy choice of dressing. He definitely earns an a plus, plus in nutrition. He has really made some significant changes and his discipline in making healthy choices is encouraging!

Dennis has been encouraged to stay in for a few more weeks. The last thing the doctors say that he needs is to contract the flu or another illness. We have actually enjoyed the quiet; although, Dennis has been able to watch some sports and "catch up" on the news! We are addicted to Jeopardy; and, Dennis is quite good!

The Lord has been gracious to bring healing, peace, and especially patience to both of us. We can only praise His holy name for all that He is teaching us.

Yesterday we read Psalm 121 and were reminded that our help comes from the Lord. As we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the one who authors and perfects our faith, we trust that He who began a mighty work in us will continue...

To say that this journey has been challenging would certainly be an understatement. However, it has been filled with the joy of the LORD throughout its entirety. We truly appreciate all that you have done to make it a bit easier for Dennis along the way!

We are both very grateful to all of you for your cards, emails, telephone calls, and visits.
Dennis' mailing address is: PO Box 242, Lattimore, NC 29089 [he loves receiving cards!], and his landline is 704-434-6691. He still has some difficulty talking, but the inflammation seems some better today!

Most of all, we thank you for your constant prayers!


In God's amazing, eternal "hand-tailored" grace,

Friday, January 23, 2015

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

All Is Well at 1232 Padgett Road

It's been incredibly busy these past couple of days. Dennis is elated to be home again! We are focusing on sleep and rest as well as a good nutritional plan of action! We have a long list for whoever would like to grocery shop ... and THANK YOU in advance!

Yesterday I did some marathon cooking, and we both got some much needed rest for which we are very grateful. ... I know it's difficult if not impossible to imagine;  but, Dennis is having trouble talking. He has a cough which is dry but otherwise benign according to the chest x-ray.

Feel free to call for a short chat or just leave a voice mail ... These encourage Dennis!

We are so grateful for friends and family and all of our dear brothers and sisters in Christ!  WE LOVE YOU !

In God's amazing, eternal " hand-tailored " grace!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Homeward Bound

Leaving the snow in Cleveland

Rumor has it that it is close to 70 and sunny at home... and, we are more than ready to soak up some vitamin D. Speaking of "D," he has been so committed to a whole foods nutritional plan as well as drinking 60 ounces of water daily...This has certainly helped him be able to leave the hospital! It's interesting the diet that is routinely served to hospital patients--and, those having had heart surgery--no less!

It is such a blessing that Dennis has the green light to return home. It will be quite a long period of recuperation; but, we are "on board" to do what we can to be healthy and happy!

Speaking of boarding, we will be doing that in the next hour.... Dennis' plans are to spend a quiet evening at home and just get some much needed sleep!

It's been a great day with John and Mark helping us! The snow has stopped, and we should be in flight very soon.

Thanking God for His presence on this journey!

"Every good and perfect gift is from God..."

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Thirteen and Counting

VAROOM!    Let's Go to Lattimore!

The sky is laden with clouds, and it's snowing in Cleveland. A great time to make your own sunshine, Dennis is ready to "break out of here!"

Each day is an adventure here at Cleveland Clinic; but, today the news of perhaps being discharged [tomorrow] brought great joy!

It is with gratitude that we assess all that has been, all that is, and all that is to come! Thanking God for healing and the continued sinus rhythm which has been steady since the pacemaker placement...

Without delay, we have set travel plans into motion, and if all goes well, Dennis should be able to return to Lattimore by Thursday. We concur that Dorothy was right, "there's no place like home." He looks forward to sleeping in his own bed...actually, just sleeping will be quite a welcome gift!

Dennis has come a long way, and we continue to pray for healing, comfort, and strength. Asking the Lord to help us handle little details and give traveling mercies as the flight will be somewhat of a challenge...Hoping he doesn't set off too many alarms!

Today's devotion was taken from I Kings 19:1-12, and it was entitled "When God Is Quiet" ... It reiterated how God provided for Elijah with seemingly big miracles and other times in a still small voice. We claim the prayer, "Lord may we see You today in the small details of life in ways that we hadn't noticed before. Thank You for the gift of Your quiet presence, wherever we may find it today. 

In God's amazing, eternal "hand-tailored" grace ... 

Chrysalis...You are such an encourager!
Some people are worth melting for...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Bless Your HEART

"Create in me a clean heart O God; renew in me a right spirit."     -- Psalm 51:10

This morning we took turns reading Psalm 51 verse by verse...and were touched by this verse in scripture...

A woman named Kim came in to collect blood samples and told us her story of recommitting her life to Christ. Dennis related his experience with a staff member named John with whom he prayed yesterday. Reminded in scripture that God loves a contrite heart and broken spirit--which bring humility--we prayed and WE PRAYED!

Dennis went in to surgery at 12 pm and is now back in his room ... All went well and his heart is in normal rhythm!

Dennis is at peace with this decision. It will allow close monitoring of his heart rhythm; he is calling it his fuel injector--leave it to a "car man" to think out of the box ... no pun intended!

Thank you for your prayers and concern ...

For now, texting (or email) probably works best for communicating ... It is sometimes difficult to use the phone to return all of the calls in the hospital ...

If you desire a return call , please leave a voicemail and let me know who you are! We appreciate everyone's support!

In Christ...God's amazing, eternal gift,

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The HEART Of It All

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”  
 ~Luke 10:27

This morning Ben was on the elevator going to see his dad. We talked about Ben's mom and Dad and how his dad had been hit by a coal truck in West Virginia, had a stroke six months later, and was at Cleveland Clinic for a double lung transplant. We covered a great deal as we rode five floors to the J wing of the hospital. As we exited to go our separate ways, I asked Ben if I could pray for him and his family. I also asked him if he knew Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. He smiled as only a twenty something year old could, and he said emphatically, "YES" ... and, I asked about his dad ... Ben told me his dad was a minister and that his parents were believers. He had three brothers and sisters who were not planning to come visit.
This afternoon, Dennis walked to the cardiac rehabilitation lobby to watch the huge screen TV as Green Bay dominated Seattle. We met and talked with Charles and his wife and daughter as we watched the game. We had prayed earlier in the day, and our sermon for today was one by Charles Stanley, Handling Life's Difficulties. We had claimed the promise in James that we are to ask God for wisdom and believe He will give us what we need. Well, Charles' daughter was a nurse, and, in the course of conversation, she shared that she had a pacemaker. She even showed us her scar, and she told Dennis that she never really had any trouble living with it over the past three years. THIS WAS DEFINITE CONFIRMATION !  What a sweet blessing to have this gift of speaking with someone who was not only knowledgeable but also could share from personal experience. This gave Dennis a sense of peacefulness as he was already resting in the Lord! All is well, and God is so gracious to send others to support and encourage us in His timing!
Well, time lapsed, Dennis took a nap, and the Seattle Seahawks celebrated their victory over Green Bay! Dinner arrived and Dennis drank the last of 60 ounces of filtered water to keep him hydrated over the next fourteen hours. The surgery is scheduled to occur around 2 pm tomorrow.
So, we remain vigilant and prepared for the next steps that God will order on this journey. Thankful for all that the Lord is doing to show himself powerful, mighty, and our strong tower! Believing in His promises...Trusting in His grace and mercy...